Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Dem's Nice Mess

"Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into." I imagine Democrat county chairmen and chairwomen all across our great land echoing the Laurel and Hardy line as they contemplate the results of their party's primary process.

The self-proclaimed party of youth, minorities, women, and the down-trodden, ends up with two ancient privileged white men as their presidential nominee choices. One isn't even a Democrat, he calls himself a socialist and never met a leftist autocrat he didn't admire.

The other suffers far too many senior moments and, while genial, has never been regarded as bright. Both have crooked family members and both have become wealthy while drawing government salaries for decades. That's not easy to do honestly.

For a party which considers deposing the current POTUS as its only significant goal, are these men the best the Democrats can come up with? These two geezers? I don't think either can win, Trump is a very tough opponent.