Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Editorial Caveat

COTTonLINE has been providing links to various reports of treatments, information, etc. for the Covid-19 pandemic. I've noted reports about blood types, climatic influences, possible immunities, usefulness of antivirals approved for other diseases, etc.

Let me be clear. Lots of good people are thinking about this Coronavirus threat. They've noticed apparent relationships, possible links, and other phenomena associated with the disease.

Once this crisis is behind us, some of these will be shown in hindsight to be hopeful nonsense, others to be coincidental covariances with no underlying connective mechanism. Some few may even be foreign propaganda disguised as science. Perhaps if we're lucky some will be shown to be dead accurate or at least strong hints of a way forward toward prevention and treatment.

As it stands now, separating the proverbial wheat from the chaff is beyond my intelligent layman's ability. I'll post the links that don't seem overtly flakey, I ask you to understand that there are no guarantees which of these will stand the test of time.