Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Media, Lame Stream Division

Instapundit cites a highly biased CBS News story and characterizes it ... accurately. First, the CBS headline:
Arizona man dies, wife ill after taking drug touted as virus treatment: "Trump kept saying it was basically pretty much a cure."
And Glenn Reynolds' characterization of this crappola story:
It’s not a “drug touted as virus treatment.” It’s fish tank cleaner, with warning labels, containing an ingredient that sounds similar.

Press: Want people to stop thinking you’re garbage? Stop being garbage. And CBS, you’re garbage for running this story with this headline. Absolute garbage. And you don’t care, and we all know why.
CBS is peddling propaganda, thinly disguised as news. I'm certain George Orwell didn't intend 1984 as a "how-to" book.