Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Cross Trump, Become ex-GOP

The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake writes about a small group of Republicans who have crossed President Trump and found themselves in the political wilderness. The basic target of the piece is Sen. Mitt Romney who voted for an impeachment article against Trump, the only Republican to do so.

Blake also notes similar treatment of Sen. John McCain, Sen. Jeff Flake, and Sen. Bob Corker. Those last two decided not to run for reelection, fearing primary challenges.

I’m unclear why Blake left Jeff Sessions off his list of apostates. Sessions royally ticked off Trump by recusing himself on the Russian involvement investigation while hanging onto the Attorney General job, instead of offering to resign. He did this in a situation where Trump couldn’t politically afford to fire him.

Now Trump has endorsed his opponent as Sessions runs for reelection to his old senate seat in AL. We don’t yet know if AL Republicans will reelect Sessions or give the nod to Tommy Tuberville in the GOP primary. They have some reputation for being fractious.