Saturday, March 28, 2020

Plague Diary

Today we get to venture off our mountaintop as the other DrC has a routine medical thingy - nothing to do with Covid-19. While in town we can collect our mail, which has been accumulating in the PMB. Staying home gets old after a few days, more so than I realized would be the case.

I’ve been wondering when TP and other paper products - tissues, paper towels - will once again be routinely available in markets? Will their reappearance be the signal that the panic is over? I suspect I will view it that way. Somebody should start a pool for predictions of the first routine, non-rationed, non-intermittent availability of TP.


During our 2 months in SoCal we watched the entire 8 seasons of Game of Thrones, most evenings seeing 2 episodes. It was our first experience with GoT.

During the quarantine we’ve been rewatching it, seeing things we missed on the first pass because we didn’t recognize their significance as they were happening. One thing that strikes me on the second pass is the unremitting nastiness of life in the feudal period. Only the 1% lived anything approaching what we think of as a reasonable life.

After rewatching GoT Season One we’ve had to take a break and see some lighter stuff. Unremitting Middle Ages grimness was getting depressing as a companion to today’s nightly plague news.


Will Covid-19 will make Americans pay attention to the annual death rate from flu-like illnesses? It turns out we’ve been ignoring it in much the same way we ignore the thousands of highway fatalities each year, as something that almost always happens to unknown others. Having experienced flu several times in a long life, I know it is no joke and thoroughly unpleasant.