Thursday, August 18, 2022

Giorgia Meloni and Italy

Politicians usually say what they believe people want to hear, and Giorgia Meloni is a politician. She is also likely to be the next prime minister of Italy. And those who don't like and/or fear her say she is a fascist.

On the other hand, if you believe Meloni is sincere in what she tells British interviewer Nicholas Farrell, she could become an important European leader as well as a single mother with a 5 year old daughter. Farrell wrote a Mussolini biography, an experience which gives him more understanding of fascism than of single motherhood.

If I assume Meloni told Farrell what she truly believes, I think her head is in a good place. If I assume she is disguising her intentions, then I think her head is in the right place, where "right" is defined as crypto-fascist.

Wishing Italy well, I choose to believe she is honest in her protestations of non-fascistic nationalism and anti-communism. If a Brit, she says she'd be a Tory; I'd guess if she were American she would be MAGA. It will be interesting to follow her career arc.