Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Kansas Leads

In addition to yesterday's primary elections, Kansas had on its primary ballots a law that would have empowered its legislature to severely restrict or abolish abortion in Kansas. That law failed to pass, and the vote wasn't even close, roughly 60% voted against the measure.

Inasmuch as polls have consistently shown that a majority of Americans want abortion to remain legal, this outcome shouldn't be as surprising as many seem to feel it is. Kansas isn't a progressive state so it may well turn out that Dodds doesn't end up curtailing abortion very much. 

Be aware, the Supreme Court didn't find abortion to be unlawful, merely that the Constitution had nothing to say about it one way or the other. If most states end up with legal abortion laws on the books, actual civil liberties will not have much changed.

Instead of hyperventilating, I suggest watching the various states make their own rules on this issue, as the Court has suggested. If a national consensus ever emerges, Congress could eventually enact nationwide regulations.