Thursday, August 11, 2022

Hispanics Shift Right

I've been meaning to write about the political leanings of our Hispanic fellow citizens. Most such are immigrants or the children or grandchildren of immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Let's talk about why they or their parents came here. They came despite knowing they'd be viewed as "foreigners" by the gringo majority. With few exceptions, the places they left were poorer, more dangerous, and less free than here. 

Their motives were largely economic, they came to have a decent chance to escape poverty, to have opportunity. The key thing is that, overwhelmingly, they want to be here and consider here to be better than where they or their folks came from. Generally, that perception is accurate.

In other words, their motives for coming here were nearly identical to those of our earlier European and more recent Asian immigrants. We shouldn't be too surprised that their outcomes are beginning to look similar. 

Few Hispanics view themselves as victims, and it shows in data like that Ruy Teixeira cites in his article about Hispanic voting patterns. The recently populist GOP is attractive to substantial numbers of these upwardly mobile strivers.

Afterthought: If they've come here for economic betterment, and experienced that under Trump, but not so much under Biden, the shift rightward among Hispanics is likely to continue.