Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Influencing the Great Self-Sort

Axios has recent polling asking Americans about their interests in moving to another state and what would influence their choice of destination. All nine issues are important to at least some members of both major political parties. Some interesting findings.

For both Republicans and Democrats, cost of living is the most motivating factor, though more so for Rs than for Ds. Family and personal reasons are second in importance for Ds, third for Rs. Taxation issues rank second for Rs, and only fifth for Ds.

Another way of describing differences in preference profiles for Democrats and Republicans is the following showing which party places greater emphasis on that issue.

More important to Republicans:
Cost of living
Taxation issues
Education issues

More important to Democrats:
Personal reasons, family ties
Abortion issues
Gun issues
Racial issues
LGBTQ+ issues

Equally important to both:
Jobs, employment

If I were to characterize each group of preferences I would see Republicans emphasizing mostly economic issues while Democrats are emphasizing much more the social factors.