Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Mar-A-Lago Raid Rumors

With nobody in a position of power talking on the record about the FBI raid on Trump's Mar-A-Lago estate, lots of leaks are surfacing. This afternoon has links to three such. 

Are they on the level? Who knows? I pass them along, in no particular order, for what they're worth in scandal points, if nothing else.


The most ominous of the three for MAGA world is from Newsweek. William A. Arkin writes that two unnamed "senior government officials" leaked that the raid was based on information from a whistleblower.
The raid on Mar-a-Lago was based largely on information from an FBI confidential human source, one who was able to identify what classified documents former President Trump was still hiding and even the location of those documents.

The officials, who have direct knowledge of the FBI's deliberations and were granted anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters, said the raid of Donald Trump's Florida residence was deliberately timed to occur when the former president was away.


The second concerns Twitter suspending the account of investigative journalist Paul Sperry, this is reported by the site Meaning in History at Substack. Author Mark Wauck writes:

Here, via Zerohedge, is a screen grab of the tweet that I suspect was the real reason for the suspension:

The "PERSONAL stake" that is suggested refers to FBI missteps with respect to the bogus Trump/Russia dossier (aka "Spygate") long since debunked. It reflects a Congressional ("on Hill") suspicion that Trump had acquired documents which named names and incriminated high FBI officials and perhaps policy level execs at the DOJ.


The third "maybe" comes from Conservative Treehouse by the pseudonymous Sundance. I generally view CTH as being a bit "out there" and willing to report conspiracy theories. It takes a deep dive into the history of the low-level judge who issued the search warrant, and is frankly speculative

Judge Bruce Reinhart was the former U.S. attorney in West Palm Beach who spent 12 years as a federal prosecutor, before leaving his position in order to defend a network of employees who operated the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking operation.

Considering the FBI predicate for the raid on Trump’s home, as currently identified, is exceptionally weak; and considering the profile of the raid would have landed upon an ordinarily reluctant judicial desk; what if the FBI had leverage over Bruce Reinhart as an outcome of the case against Epstein’s enabler, Ghislane Maxwell.

The client files of Epstein and Maxwell would be currently in the hands of the FBI. If Bruce Reinhart was a client of Epstein it would explain: (a) his original motives to take up a defensive position on behalf of Epstein; and (b) current leverage for the FBI to use in order to get Judge Reinhart to sign a sketchy and dubious search warrant.

Translation: CTH knows a little and is willing to infer a lot.