Monday, January 9, 2023

A Desire Named Streetcar and A Criminal Waste

Power Line’s Steven Hayward cracking wise on the left’s love affair with public transit, which incidentally continues to experience reduced ridership and funding difficulties. Hayward quips:

Mass transit—the holy grail of urban progressivism (Quest for the Holy Rail, as I sometimes put it, or, A Desire Named Streetcar)—is struggling right now.

Concerning the heavy rains we’re experiencing in California right now, for you’ll recollect the DrsC are visiting and Hayward lives near Berkeley, he quotes the following from The Wall Street Journal (behind paywall):

California voters passed a $7.5 billion bond measure in 2012 to help build new storage facilities and make other water improvements. The state approved some of that money in 2018 to help build the Sites Reservoir, 75 miles northwest of Sacramento, which would hold enough runoff from wet years like this to meet the needs of roughly nine million people for a year. But the project has been mired in regulatory delays.

There’s that straitjacket I wrote about yesterday, “regulatory delays” imposed to please the Sierra Club. Meanwhile millions of acre feet of clean rainwater which CA could put to good use run off into the Pacific Ocean and are lost.