Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Bipartisan Good News

Fox News reports something I believe patriots will evaluate as exceptionally good news. See what happened.
House Republicans and Democrats on Tuesday joined forces and voted overwhelmingly in favor of a new committee to examine U.S. strategic competition with China, after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy declared on the House floor that neither Republicans nor Democrats trust China anymore.

The House voted, 365-65, in favor of creating the committee, which was supported by every Republican and more than two-thirds of the House Democrat caucus.

The mission of the committee, which was proposed by McCarthy, is to "investigate and submit policy recommendations on the status of the Chinese Communist Party’s economic, technological, and security progress and its competition with the United States."

In recent years the only bipartisan things getting much support were pay raises for congress folk. I don’t suppose this will be popular in Beijing. 

I hope it signals at least a partial return to the policy that partisanship ends at the water’s edge. The world is a dangerous place; there are forces including the CCP who wish us ill and strive to bring it about.