Monday, January 30, 2023

Fooling Around links to a Monica Showalter column at American Thinker. Her topic today is the prevalence of marital infidelity at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where it supposedly is a firing offense. If you enjoy relatively well-documented gossip about people in high places, this column could be for you. 

I write "supposedly" because it appears to be somewhat common among the higher-ups in the bureau. Such shenanigans need to cease forthwith in an agency where a security clearance is mandatory. This is not prudery but because it makes the straying agent susceptible to blackmail and coercion.

On the other hand, those who alleged the man who attacked Paul Pelosi was actually there for a gay assignation need to apologize. The video shows the attacker breaking a window with his hammer to gain access. That would be highly unconventional 'courting behavior' even in outre' San Francisco.