Friday, January 20, 2023

Moving On

The other DrC has some pretty pictures at her blog, taken yesterday, showing how much the recent rains in CA have filled the reservoir where we’ve spent the last month with our RV parked nearby. We’ve had a good time, enjoyed the green and the rain neither of which we see much in arid Nevada.

If the above sounds like a valedictory, it is. Today we pull up stakes (figuratively) and head to NV. Actually, the process of leaving is more one of reconfiguring the RV for travel, disconnecting umbilicals and reconnecting the RV to the pickup truck. This sounds complicated but with practice takes maybe half an hour to accomplish. 

Today’s drive will take perhaps 5 hours, nearly half of it on two lane roads. All of tomorrow’s drive will be on Interstate 15, and that will see us to our winter home in the desert.

As Roy Rogers often said, “Happy Trails.”