Friday, January 13, 2023

Gallup: Republicans Outnumber Democrats

The Washington Examiner reports the findings of a recent Gallup poll asking Americans their political preferences.

For the first time in decades, more people identify as Republicans than Democrats, a striking change that bolsters polls showing that the United States is a moderate-conservative nation.

In the latest massive Gallup survey of 10,000 adults, 45% identified as Republicans and 44% as Democrats. That’s a tiny edge for sure, but it’s the first time the GOP has had the lead since former President George H.W. Bush launched the Gulf War in 1991.

For several years the Ds have been too radical for most Americans, and the polling finally reflects that fact. Ds have cemented the impression their party speaks exclusively for life’s various losers. Most Americans are convinced they personally are not losers.

Plus in his public appearances poor old Joe Biden - the nominal D leader - hasn’t inspired confidence. Instead he’s left the impression he isn’t up to the admittedly tough job to which he was elected.

This information will possibly encourage retirements among D senators (and maybe House members) elected from red or purple states.