Thursday, January 19, 2023

Sporadic Wet Years Normal in CA

I’m wondering if someone at the Los Angeles Times has had an epiphany? After being reliably left-wing for a decade or more, I’ve suddenly seen two of their articles doing more-or-less straight reporting … way to go, people.

Also echoed outside LAT’s paywall at, this latest reports the big rain storms CA has experienced this month were … wait for it … normal CA weather. Really, they are not evidence of climate change. 

As a CA native I know this to be true from my own experience instate. Rain here is a boom and bust experience, unlike coastal OR and WA where it is a drizzle-all-winter-every-year experience. Most years in CA are largely dry, but we get a wet one periodically. This is one of those.

When rainy winters occur, we need to be prepared to capture and store a lot of the excess water for use later, in drier years. This kind of multi-year planning ahead is exactly what our political system doesn’t do very well.