Friday, January 6, 2023

Looking Back at Jan. 6

Two years ago today a group of unarmed Trump supporters misbehaved at the U.S. capitol. Mostly it was trespass and vandalism, plus frank voyeurism. They were unhappy with the results of an election held under difficult and unprecedented conditions, and the high-handed actions of state election officials.

If you claim it was an insurrection - I do not - it was the most pathetic excuse for one imaginable. It was people venting their anger and frustration. The only shots fired were by the Capitol Police and claims of several deaths among the defenders were similar to the claims of many of the deaths blamed on Covid, coincidences politically attributed. 

One thing is clear, Democrats are never going to let it go. It has become the “bloody shirt” (classical reference) they will wave till they die. 

I note the anniversary only to add that in the annals of unrest of the period - 2020 - Jan. 6 was small potatoes. No buildings were burned, no stores looted, and some number of those involved were covert federal provocateurs and shills. Directly or indirectly, intentionally or otherwise, the then-Speaker appears to have acted in ways that made it worse.