Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Remembering ….

This morning I am remembering living through the great blizzard of 1969 in Eugene, Oregon. Not sure exactly why now, maybe because it happened in January.

Over a weekend in late January 37+ inches of snow fell on a city that normally doesn’t get that much snow in a decade. The city had no snow removal equipment but did what they could with a couple of front-end loaders. 

Everything basically ground to a halt for several days; the university shut down and we all hunkered in place. I remember hearing that people who needed to go to the hospital were transported by snowmobile. My housemates and I lived a couple of blocks from a market and we got groceries on foot. 

Later in the week when I tried to drive my VW beetle - typical grad student wheels at the time - it got high centered on a ridge of hard snow/ice. I needed a tow by a very exasperated guy with a 4wd pickup to get unstuck.