Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Gallup: Americans Are Pessimistic

The Gallup survey organization asked a representative panel of Americans for their predictions for the coming year - 2023. Unsurprisingly, on 12 of 13 dimensions, majorities believe things will get worse.

In the area of economic outcomes, taxes, prosperity, federal deficits, stock markets, price levels, and employment levels are all expected to become worse. That is, taxes, deficits, and prices are all seen as going higher. While prosperity, stock markets, and employment are all expected to be lower.

In political/societal affairs, political conflict, crime rates, and labor strikes are all expected to grow. And in international affairs, conflict is expected to grow as is China’s power while the power of both America and Russia is expected to decline.

Gallup concludes that only for this last item, an expected decline of Russia’s power and influence, are predictions positive for our country’s interests. As the year 2023 begins, we Americans have an almost entirely gloomy outlook. Don’t be surprised if that prophesy becomes self-fulfilling.