Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Poor Will Decide

The website Red State has serious text excerpts from the anti-woke position taken by Russian emigre Konstantin Kisin in an Oxford Union debate on the topic “Resolved: Has Woke Culture Gone Too Far?” as well as a link to a YouTube video of his speech. I believe the most important point Kisin made is this one.

[Climate Change will be decided] by poor people in Asia and Latin America who don’t care about saving the planet—because they’re poor.

One-hundred-and-twenty million people in China do not have enough food. That means their immune system is breaking down because they do not have enough food.

Where do you think Climate Change ranks in Xi Jinping’s list of priorities?

You’re not going to get these people to stay poor. You’re not going to get them to not want to be richer.

Kisin is correct in these statements. And the situation in India is worse than China. He adds the only possible solution is ….

To make scientific and technological breakthroughs that will create the clean energy that is not only clean, but cheap.

Let’s hope his clean, cheap energy is even possible.