Sunday, February 12, 2023


We've now shot down three UAPs over North America and the Chinese claim to have downed one in their airspace. I notice that since the first Chinese balloon, folk are calling the rest of these "phenomena."

Wouldn't it be something if it turns out one or more of these are truly unknown phenomena? Maybe even the proverbial "flying saucer" with little green "men" in it? We don't want to go to war with Mars or Alpha Centauri by accident, after all.

I look forward to learning what it is that has been wandering into our airspace, and who sent it or set it free to go where the winds take it.

Later … the count of shot-down objects over North America is now up to four (4). Still no info on what or who.

Even later … now we have someone on the record saying all the stuff shot down has been balloons with payloads, albeit far smaller than the big Chinese balloon shot down off the Atlantic coast. That maybe answers the what, if not the who. Not sure how one supposed balloon was described as “octagonal.”

I’m imagining an inspired science teacher in some third world backwater with his students putting together these things on the cheap, launching them, and tracking the telemetry. The purpose: just to have fun and inspire the future engineers in the class. 

Afterthought: If shooting these down is going to be a regular weekly thing, we need to equip a few jets with gun pods. Using missiles costing tens of thousands of dollars each to knock down effing balloons is like shooting starlings with artillery.

Later … that should have read “hundreds of thousands of dollars each,” a helluva lot of do-re-mi to shoot down a balloon, however configured.