Monday, February 27, 2023

The Swamp Censors

We wrote yesterday about the Department of Energy finally admitting Covid most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China. Today Jonathan Turley does a nice New York Post column about this long-delayed reluctant admission. Some of his choicer observations follow.
For years, the media and government allied to treat anyone raising a lab theory as one of three possibilities: conspiracy theorist or racist or racist conspiracy theorist.

The categorical rejection of the lab theory is only the latest media narrative proven to be false. The Russian collusion scandal, the Hunter Biden “Russian disinformation,” the Lafayette Park “photo op” conspiracy, the Nick Sandmann controversy, the Jussie Smollett case, the migrant whipping scandal.

Censorship does not, as Biden claims, save lives. It is more likely to cost lives by protecting approved views from challenge. It does not foster the truth any more than it fosters free speech. Whatever the origin of COVID-19 may be in China, the origin of our censorship scandal is closer to home.

Sadly, I don't think even that list is in fact comprehensive, although it more than illustrates why skepticism of media treatments is entirely warranted.