Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Trump Being Trump

The New York Post published a favorable piece about FL Gov. DeSantis and former President Trump was displeased. See Trump's petulant rejoinder:

In writer Salena Zito’s Fake News “puff piece” about DeSantis, which supposedly appeared in the dying New York Post, which is way down in readership just like FoxNews is way down in Ratings, why doesn’t she mention that he wants to cut Social Security & Medicare, loves losers like Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, and Karl Rove, and is getting CLOBBERED in the polls by me,” Trump wrote on Sunday on Truth Social. “DeSantis is a RINO who is trying to hide his past. I don’t read the New York Post anymore. It has become Fake News, just like Fox & WSJ!

There is exactly one conservative national media source with significant viewership - Fox News. There are exactly two national papers with any readership and conservative creds: WSJ and NYP. And Selena Zito is the best journalistic voice for Trump voters.

Trump has dumped on the only media most conservatives see with any regularity. Exactly how does he expect to get his message out if he defines these as enemies? He won't, he can't. I read stuff like the foregoing from Trump and I get tired. He really works so hard at being unlikable. 

Unlike in 2016, Trump is no longer the only GOP candidate pushing the set of priorities that made him stand out then. He really did reshape the GOP platform, for which the Karl Roves and Mitt Romneys will never forgive him. Today all mainstream GOP candidates are nationalist populists, but Trump is still difficult, cranky and self-defeating.