Thursday, February 23, 2023

Hogwarts Game A Smash Hit

The premier show business media outlet Variety reports the new Harry Potter-based Hogwarts Legacy game is a runaway best seller. More than 12 million units sold in its first two weeks on the market.

Some might find that popularity exceptional because Potter author J.K.Rowling has been under attack for her less-than-enthused views of males who wish to transition to live as females. She has been called a TERF or trans-exclusionary radical feminist. 

Pretty clearly many Potter fans could care less about her views of those unhappy with the sex into which they were born. And it is entirely possible half or more of the purchasers have never even heard of the uproar over Rowling's views.

Do those sales mean the purchasers share her view that whatever else trannies may be, they aren't actually women in any biological sense? To quote the Francis Urquhart character in the British House of Cards TV drama, "You might very well think that, I couldn't possibly comment."