Sunday, February 26, 2023

RINO Babble

Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (RINO-WI) sat down with a newsman from a Milwaukee TV station to be interviewed. He announced that while the GOP convention next year will be in WI, he won't attend if Trump is to be the nominee.

Big whoop. The people in the entire U.S. who care what Paul Ryan does politically could probably meet in an elementary school classroom without overcrowding. 

If Trump doesn't brag about the Ryan boycott, I'll be surprised and disappointed. As we have noted here before, Ryan was perhaps the most useless GOP pol with national visibility in my long lifetime, a true cipher, a zero. 

When Mitt Romney ran for president, his running mate was Ryan. Both are exemplars of RINOism, viewed as embarrassments by Republicans and as squibs by Democrats.