Friday, February 24, 2023

"Divorce" An Overstatement

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) aka MTG has elected to be a Republican version of AOC ... in other words, a bit of a bomb-thrower.. Recently she made waves with calls for "a national divorce."

That sounds like she's advocating secession, if all you read is the headline. Read farther and you learn she advocates a somewhat more robust federalism wherein blue states are free to be blue, and red states free to be red. 

Implicitly people would be encouraged to resettle in a state with social and governmental policies to their liking. Many are already doing that in what has been labeled "the Big Sort."  

What MTG advocates isn't really a divorce. It more nearly resembles a marriage in which the partners agree to stay together for practical reasons but essentially each independently lives his or her own life. 

So we'd be more a republic and less a watered-down clone of the EU, which tells member states how to run their lives. Federalism works for me, how about you?