Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Every Dem. Contender Trumped

Lucianne.com links to a USA Today article echoed on msn.com, authored by Susan Page and others. They report the results of a USA Today/Suffolk University Poll which looked at head-to-head matchups between leading Democrat contenders and President Trump.
The national survey, taken as the House of Representatives planned an impeachment vote and the Senate a trial, showed Trump defeating former vice president Joe Biden by three percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by five points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by eight points.

In hypothetical head-to-head contests, Trump also led South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg by nine.
The other Democrats fared worse. I find these numbers realistic today, with the caveat that much can change in the next 10 months. It seems a good era for extroverted nationalists like The Donald and BoJo.