Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Gloom a Hard Sell in 2020

At The Hill, award-winning journalist Bernard Goldberg writes with insight about our divided nation.
I get the impression Democrats are worried, and wondering: How could this happen? How could a man they find so detestable fool so many Americans?

If Donald Trump wins a second term, they’ll blame the president’s lies and his supporters’ supposed bigotry for the victory — because it couldn’t possibly be their support for free medical care for everyone, including illegal immigrants … and free college for everyone … and a gazillion-dollar break-the-bank Green New Deal … or the gloomy picture they constantly paint of America in their debates, a picture that doesn’t conform to the lives most Americans are living everyday.
As we’ve written for over a decade, the GOP is a party for winners and the Dem is a party for losers. In the booming Trump economy, most people are winning, making 2020 a tough year for Dems.