Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Millennial Muddle

Here’s an interesting quote from a new book - How Not to Become a Millennial: Learning from America’s Largest Sociological Disaster. Hat tip to Instapundit for the link.
The Millennials are hopelessly indebted, perennially underemployed, they suffer more mental illness than any generation before them, and they are hopelessly armed with completely worthless degrees. They have absolutely no hope of homeownership, retirement, or family, and most will live their entire lives financially crippled with debt. They are an unmitigated sociological disaster and a tragic chapter in human history.
It was the “woke” mindset that produced this generational disaster. Moving away therefrom is how to avoid making the same mistake going forward. Continuing in the same vein which produced Millennials while hoping for better outcomes is precisely enacting Einstein’s definition of insanity.