Saturday, February 22, 2020

Sanders Called Winner in NV

It appears Conrad Black underestimated Sanders’ appeal to Democrats. The Associated Press and NBC News have both projected him as the winner of the Nevada caucuses. Supposedly it is too early to call the second and third place finishers.

These decisions are made with 1 in 20 precincts actually reporting. Yes, Sanders has close to half the votes in the handful of precincts reported, but I believe it is too early to talk about what his final share of the vote will be.

Thus, Sanders has either won or tied in the first three states’ primary processes: IA, NH, and NV. It is a strong position from which to head into SC on Tuesday and lots of other places on Super Tuesday the following week..

Later ... More than a few pundits are calling Sanders the presumptive nominee following strong showings in three out of three primaries. Some are even saying he did sort of okay with black voters, a supposed weak area for him.

Others report Latinos calling him “Tio Bernie.” His pitch is somewhat reminiscent of AMLO who won Mexico’s presidency.