Sunday, February 23, 2020

Why These D Candidates?

Several pundits have considered the question of how the Democrats came up with such an uninspiring field of candidates? I’ve read what they wrote and remain unconvinced they’ve got the right answers.

Somewhere in the Democratic Party there are attractive, charismatic individuals who could unify the party and inspire occasional voters too. I suspect they may be lurking in governors’ mansions or city halls, there might even be a senator or two who fit that set of requirements.

Why aren’t those good people running in 2020? In a word: Trump. He’s too lucky, too successful, too tough, and too likely to be reelected, regardless of the substantial number who wish he would drop dead, or failing that, just go away.

I believe the good Democrats are waiting for 2024 when Trump will be termed out. They reason in 2024 the electorate will be ready for some years of Democrat dominance, and that’s when the smart person will run.

So what we have running now are those who will be too old in 2024 or who are bored with their current assignment. They are the second-raters, those looking for revenge, or the superannuated. They aren’t the Democrats’ first team and everybody knows it.