Friday, February 21, 2020

Weird Psychobiological Science

Various sources are reporting Steven Spielberg’s adopted daughter Mikaela has announced she will pursue a career in pornography. It is hard to imagine someone having more advantages than she had growing up, but there it is....

What nobody much is writing is that adopted children recreate the life arcs of their biological parents to a substantial degree. Progressive cant holds that environment is everything, biology is not much. Actually, the reverse is true.

Not all, but most adopted infants have biological parents who in various ways weren’t managing their lives well. That is how the infants come to be available for adoption.

An honest assessment would find adoptive children’s lives more closely resemble those of their biological parents than those of their adoptive parents. We’ve seen this with the adopted children of friends as well, and it often saddened those friends very much.

If you plant an acorn, no matter how you tend it, the tree that comes up is an oak. The nature of humans is more predetermined by biology than progressives want to believe. Dysfunctional parents are more likely to have dysfunctional children, no matter who raises those children.