Sunday, February 2, 2020

What’s On Voters’ Minds

NPR’s Mara Liasson is a frequent panelist on Bret Baier’s Fox News show, representing the liberal point of view. She’s written a column for the NPR website that is, remarkably for NPR, balanced and decent reporting.

Liasson correctly identifies Trump himself, the excellent economy, and the culture ‘war’ as major issues affecting the 2020 election. She notes the weaknesses of the Democrats who seek the nomination, as well as Trump’s well-known eccentricities.

She sees the economy as a plus for Trump, and believes the Democrat will have a tough time making income disparities work for him or her. What she calls the “ culture war” is an umbrella term covering immigration control, suppression of (mostly) Muslim terrorism, abortion limitation, freedom to be religious, appointing conservative judges, and defending gun owners.

If Liasson’s column has a weakness, it is identifying Trump supporters as being mostly “white working class.” Not so fast, our household - two widely traveled Ph.Ds - is solidly pro-Trump.

Why? We’ve visited at least 10 countries that spent multiple decades of the late 20th century under some form of socialism. They’re still trying to dig out from the mess it left them in and catch up with the market economies. Democrats refuse to understand how dangerous to us their policies are.