Thursday, February 6, 2020

Two Tantrums

Just over a week ago we wrote that Mitt Romney being the only Republican vote Trump lost in the Senate was likely too much to hope for. It turns out I was pessimistic, that’s exactly what happened.

Ol’ Pierre Delecto voted “guilty” on the abuse of power count. He was the only Republican in either House or Senate to vote for either count. He acted much like Pelosi did when she tore up a copy of the SOTU speech ... petulant, childish.

Echoing my earlier phrasing, is it too much to hope for that the good people of Utah will select a different Republican to fill the Senate seat now held by Mitt? A person, it is hoped, who doesn’t have to “get over” the hurt feelings of losing a presidential race he should have won?

Paul Mirengoff of Power Line makes a good point.
If Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski were able to see what is obvious — that Trump’s misconduct isn’t impeachable — I’m confident that Romney was capable of seeing it too. For personal reasons, he just didn’t want to.