Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Remaking a Flop

We’ve seen this movie before, the plot line is reused time and again. A political party nominates someone who embodies their wish list, who generates both excitement among the true believers and fear among the opponents, and, true believers always a minority, naturally loses spectacularly come November.

In a long life I’ve watched the GOP do this with Barry Goldwater, the Democrats with George McGovern, and Labour with Jeremy Corbyn. Do you suppose the Democrats are about to do it again with Sanders?

It’s seems to be the sort of lesson each generation has to learn anew; each believes that this time it will be different. This time Lucy will let Charlie Brown kick the football. We know how it ends ... with poor Charlie flat on his back looking stunned and Lucy looking smug.

The Democrat establishment knows this all too well, but their part of the party seems largely a spent force. The energy is all with the extremes, whose extremism tends to guarantee a large turnout for their opponent. I don’t envy their situation.