Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Argentine Object Lesson

The lovely nation of Argentina is a failed state, it staggers from one crisis to the next, and from elected government to military junta rule. Is it the fault of deficient natural resources? Not at all, in that regard Argentina is blessed. Is it the fault of a people only a couple of generations removed from the Stone Age? Again, not a bit of it, the inhabitants are mostly the descendants of European immigrants, literate and civilized.

Okay, why does it fail, repeatedly? Bad politics - Peronism is largely to blame. Argentinians demand much more from their government than they're willing (or able) to pay for, so the nation repeatedly finds itself bankrupt with no credit and an electorate unwilling to tolerate government policies that would put the economy onto a solid foundation.

It would appear that some of the so-called "blue states" in this Union of ours are headed in this same direction as Argentina. Their policies favor government give-aways to illegal immigrants and subsidization of the homeless - the tax eaters - those who pay almost nothing in taxes and consume plenty of tax funded benefits. These same blue state policies are driving tax payers to emigrate to low-tax "red states" thus hollowing out the blue state tax base. 

Blue state policies, like those of Argentina, are addictive. Voters are unwilling to give them up, or to pay for them. How long before we begin calling NY, MA and CA failed states? Before they have to lay off government workers and cut benefits to the indigent? 

Review again what the previous post had to say about bad government in Los Angeles, and its effects. And check out this description of the drain down which New York City heads toward "failed city" status.