Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Trump, Likely Voters Agree

Paul Mirengoff of Power Line cites the Rasmussen Reports which asked Americans whether the federal government should be involved in forcing low-income housing into suburbs where most current residents are not low income. They find:
A poll released Tuesday by Rasmussen Reports found that 73% of likely voters thought the federal government should not play a role in deciding where people can live. 65% of respondents said it is not the government’s job to diversify neighborhoods based on income..

56% of Democrats and 73% of Republicans said it is not the government’s job to diversify neighborhoods. 68% of unaffiliated voters said the same. . . .

52% of black respondents and 71% of white respondents said it is not the government’s job to diversify neighborhoods. 53% of non-black minority respondents said the same.
The poll shows substantial majorities agree with the stance President Trump has taken, in cancelling AFFH. On the other hand, presidential wannabe Joe Biden promises to enforce Obama's AFFH with vigor, a view popular with slightly over a quarter of the electorate.