Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A Rank Odor

It is widely reported today that in the Sussmann trial in Washington, DC, the jury has found him innocent of lying to the FBI. Writing for Spectator World, scholar/pundit Charles Lipson's conclusion summarizes what this tells him about the current state of our system.

Despite Sussmann’s not-guilty verdict, his trial revealed the rank odor of Washington politics. It suffuses our courts, our law enforcement bureaucracy, and the mainstream media. It reeks of insider dealing and extreme partisan bias. That stench should alarm anyone concerned about America’s ability to govern itself democratically. That governance requires trust in our institutions, including confidence our courts can resolve legal issues with fairness and integrity. Who could look at the Sussmann Affair and retain that confidence?

Leftists do love their show trials with pre-ordained outcomes, don't they? Pray you are never involved in one.

Some have called the verdict "jury nullification." As a non-attorney I'm unwilling to go that far. Finding a jury willing to convict a Democrat in a politics-drenched trial in DC - which overwhelmingly supported Clinton - may not have been possible, and the judge reportedly didn't try hard.