Friday, May 6, 2022

Right to Work

Posting at Instapundit, Mark Tapscott cites economic data which shows the following:

Latest data compiled by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows the 27 states with Right- to-Work laws (RTW) actually added jobs during the Covid Pandemic, while the other 23 states lost nearly 1.5 million jobs. 

The presence of such laws was not the only factor involved, to be sure, but the data is strongly suggestive of a correlation of some significance, especially considering that seven of the 10 biggest gainers are RTW states, while seven of the bottom 10 are not.

With the caveat that the data in the second paragraph may be "cherrypicked," it is still interesting stuff. Basically, the existence of a right-to-work law in a state is emblematic of a constellation of business-friendly attitudes, in shorthand terms, a "red" state.

Later … I’ve been writing about “right to work” laws for a long time, a quick search reveals this post back in 2011.