Sunday, May 1, 2022

School Enrollment Not Returning

The Washington Times runs an Associated Press story about school districts across much of the country reporting enrollment that "went away" during the Covid epidemic mostly has not returned. Home schooling and private schools are the main beneficiaries of this shift.

Since school revenues are tied to enrollment/attendance their budgets have to shrink. The result is fewer teachers, fewer classroom aides, school closures, and other cost containment measures. You'll know it is serious when they actually cut administrators.

Instapundit Glenn Reynolds claims sending your children to today's public schools is tantamount to child abuse. I've wondered if perhaps he is correct in that view. 

The AP article pointedly does not mention parent dissatisfaction with the teaching of racist CRT and groomer-inspired sex ed, as reasons students are not being sent to the public schools. At least some of the enrollment decline is Rod Dreher's Benedict Option in action, a defense against a sick society. Stories of trans kids using your daughter's school toilets don't help either.