Monday, May 23, 2022

No Country for Old* Democrats

Regular readers will remember I’ve noted that our home state of Wyoming is one of the most Republican states. Now and then I get a reminder of just how true that claim to fame is actually.

Cheyenne news-talk radio station KGAB posts an interesting story on their website. It deals with the absolute dearth of Democrats running for office in Wyoming. The state’s primary election is in August.

While candidates still have through Friday to file to run for state office in the Cowboy State, a check of the candidates who have formally filed so far is decidedly lopsided in terms of partisan affiliation.

Of the five statewide elected offices, all of which are on the ballot this year, only one Democrat has formally filed. Sergio Maldonado of Lander has filed to run as a Democrat for state Superintendent of Public Instruction.

The other statewide offices--governor, treasurer, secretary of state, and state auditor--all officially have at least one GOP candidate, and three Republicans have filed for State Superintendent.

A quick scan of the party registration figures for Wyoming shows the uphill battle that Democrats face in getting elected in the Cowboy State. Republicans hold an overall registration advantage of 196,888 to 45,095. (emphasis added)
Teton County is the only county with more Democrats registered to vote than Republicans, and that margin is less than 300 voters.

Of course the state’s one-and-only House member is also statewide, and that GOP primary is being contested by several Republicans including the incumbent Liz Cheney and Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman. It won’t surprise me if no Democrat runs to oppose whoever wins that primary.

*Or young ones.