Friday, May 6, 2022

The GOP’s New Voices

For The Federalist, Christopher Bedford writes about a stylistic split in Republican ranks. He favorably contrasts the new voices like J.D. Vance, T. Carlson, R. DeSantis and D.J. Trump with old line establishment Congressional GOP leaders who don't much like the new voices’ brash, counter-revolutionary zeal.

Of those establishment figures’ (McConnell, McCarthy) sour views, one “senior Republican aide told The Hill 70 percent of Senate Republicans share that sentiment.” Yet it was cranky, independent Mitch McConnell who got the Supreme Court its current conservative supermajority, and made possible the “Roe was wrong” draft currently scandalizing progressives and pleasing conservatives.

It is an interesting line of reasoning and worth reading, if somewhat one-sided. Hat tip to Stephen Green posting at Instapundit for the link.