Sunday, May 15, 2022


National Review has circulated a statement of patriotism and principles to which roughly 40 prominent conservatives of various stripes have appended their names. I won't post the entire statement here, a couple of excerpts will give you the flavor.

The American project, as such, is under assault. Our history is the subject of a revisionist critique that is all-encompassing, unsparing, and very often flatly inaccurate. Our traditional heroes are under threat of being run out of the national pantheon. Our institutions, from elections to the job market to law enforcement, stand accused of perpetuating a systemic racism that is impossible to eradicate.

No matter the fashion of the moment, we believe that America is a fundamentally fair society with bountiful opportunity; that its Founding was a world-historical event of the utmost importance and established governing institutions of enduring value; that its original sins have been honorably, if belatedly, repudiated; that it came to be wealthy and powerful primarily through its own internal strengths, not via expropriation and conquest.

I make no claim to prominence but I certainly would gladly append my name to the statement. Perhaps you would too.