Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Winning and Losing

Last week former President Trump did very well with his endorsees all winning their primaries. This week it's a mixed bag. His pick for Gov. in Nebraska didn't get the nod, but the person he endorsed in a West Virginia House race primary did win. 

I think we knew in very active multi-candidate primary fields, Trump was unlikely to bat 100%. Still, if I were running in a Republican primary in a state where Republicans have a decent chance, I'd prefer to have his blessing. 

If the price of winning his blessing was swearing publicly that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, I'm not sure I'd pay that price. I honestly don't know for sure that it was stolen, although there was plenty of weird stuff happening - Zuckbucks and harvested mail-in ballots.

Over the primary season that runs from now till mid-August, he'll win some and lose some. A betting person would bet Trump wins more than he loses.