Saturday, June 25, 2022


The Washington Examiner reports the findings of a McLaughlin & Associates poll. They write:

While the Supreme Court’s decision overruling the 1973 Roe v. Wade right to abortion has dominated today’s network and cable coverage, the latest McLaughlin & Associates poll said just 5% of voters call it a top concern.

Just below abortion, at 1%, is reviewing the 2020 election, over which the media are also obsessing. By comparison, 54% cited the economy.

Media bias much? Topics the media obsesses about are things of secondary-at-best importance to voters. It turns out, for example, the Jan. 6 committee is preaching to a tiny subset of Democrats

Who believes a group of unarmed hooligans being a noisy nuisance in the Capitol threatened to topple our government? The idea seems preposterous to most people.