Sunday, June 26, 2022

Movin', Movin', Movin'

However - hat tip to Rawhide - these "dogies" aren't "disapprovin'," they're volunteers. The Washington Examiner reports Census Bureau data shows the exodus from big blue state cities continues.

All 15 of the 15 fastest-growing cities and towns between July 2020 and July 2021 are in states that Republicans govern: Arizona, Texas, Florida, Tennessee, and Idaho. And 14 out of the 15 fastest-declining cities during the same period were in states that Democrats governed at the time.

Amid skyrocketing crime and homelessness, the government-enforced destruction of children's innocence, and the gross enabling of political violence, cities such as New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago have had little to recommend themselves lately. That is one reason those four cities, the top four population losers in last year's data, lost on aggregate the equivalent of Miami's entire population.

The Washington Examiner's  editorial concludes this means:

The classic bread-and-butter services that governments are supposed to provide (sanitation, law enforcement, a judiciary) are more attractive to taxpayers than the performative wokeness that has replaced useful governance in such places. People want their tax dollars spent to repair roads, not to force depravity onto their own children.

That sounds about right to COTTonLINE. I'd add the caveat that at least a few of those moving to red states do so because their employers chose to move and they've elected to hang onto their jobs and go along.