Thursday, June 30, 2022

Perfection? Not Available

John Nolte who writes for Breitbart has decided that Fox News is as bad as the rest of them, meaning MSNBC and CNN. I agree Fox has made a few poor calls, ones I'd rather they'd skipped, but they are still the best of the bunch. I've tried watching the truly conservative upstarts but their production values don't make the cut. 

I believe Nolte is letting the perfect become the enemy of the good. Fox News mostly does a good job, they aren't perfect but then, who is? Would we want them to be the conservative version of MSNBC or CNN? I know I wouldn't.

I mostly watch Bret Baier's Special Report, which is the FN news hour. I tape it for watching during supper. He covers stuff the other cable news channels don't, like the border mess. And his panel normally has one or more solid conservative voices like Mollie Hemingway or Hugh Hewitt. Nolte doesn't convince me to skip Fox News.