Saturday, June 4, 2022

New and Improved

We have been far from unique in observing that former President Donald J. Trump, while advocating and pursuing great policies, has rough spots in his public persona that turn off some voters. Newsweek makes the claim that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis may be the new and improved version.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ... lately seems bent on executing just about every page of the former president's political playbook—only with a sunnier demeanor, less offensive language and fewer of the personal antics that make Trump so polarizing.

Of his strengths, the article adds: 

His every utterance seems calculated to send progressives into a frenzy. He's one of the most prolific political fundraisers in America. His endorsements of other like-minded America First conservative candidates help those beneficiaries pull ahead in crowded primaries.

There's his ban on instruction of critical race theory and discussion of sexual identity in public schools (a.k.a. the "Don't Say Gay" bill). Limitations on how schools and workplaces can handle race and gender discrimination and new penalties and restrictions on protestors. Outlawing abortion after 15 weeks. New rules on voting and transgender women playing women's sports. He's even battling Mickey Mouse, after Disney's CEO spoke out against the governor's agenda.

A strength the article doesn't mention: unlike Trump who was new to government, DeSantis knows how government operates and is accustomed to working within the framework to get things done. 

My guess - if in 2024 Trump runs, DeSantis won't. He's still young at 43 and won't be over 50 in 2028.