Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Welcome to Summer

As noted a week ago, today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. It is also the official beginning of summer which will last through the first three weeks of September. 

Keeping track of this sort of celestial 'landmark' helps me stay grounded. Regardless of the craziness to which members of our species get up to, the earth heedlessly continues its circling of the sun, our star.

Gaia did so when the first mammals were grubby little rodents dodging the last of the dinosaurs. It will do so even if our species manages to commit suicide. 

The celestial dance will continue until our sun goes nova. In the variety show that is life on this globe, our brief "act" is in full swing. How long our "time on stage" will last is anybody's guess.

Perhaps we humans will launch ourselves out to the stars, as Musk imagines, or wear out our welcome here on Earth. Whichever happens, Gaia will continue her stately dance around the sun, perhaps eventually becoming a worn-out hulk as Mars appears to have done.