Monday, July 26, 2021

Benefits Prolong Unemployment

Daily Wire website reports the findings of a Morning Consult poll seeking to determine how many of those on enhanced unemployment compensation had turned down jobs to stay unemployed.

13% — roughly one in eight — said that they had refused job offers while unemployed because they “receive enough money from unemployment insurance without having to work.” Others said that child care obligations, worries over COVID-19, and a lack of job flexibility limited their willingness to take new positions.

Because 14.1 million adults were collecting benefits at the time of the survey, Morning Consult calculated that roughly 1.8 million Americans turned down jobs due to the handouts.

Isn't it odd no Democrats believe these findings are even possible? One supposes Ds believe everyone on the dole is a for-sure Democrat voter, and they may be correct. Hat tip to Stephen Green at Instapundit for the link.